TMJ Disorder: The Top 6 Exercises You Can Do at Home to Relieve Pain

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October 5, 2022

The jaw joint and surrounding muscles might experience severe discomfort and agony as a result of temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ). It can make simple tasks difficult, such as speaking, eating, and even smiling. There are various exercises you may do at home to help reduce TMJ discomfort and increase jaw mobility, however in extreme situations surgical intervention might be necessary. It is important to get immediate TMJ treatment in North York if you are experiencing severe pain and discomfort.

In this blog post, we will discuss the top six exercises that can provide relief and promote healing for TMJ disorder.

Jaw Relaxation Exercise

This exercise attempts to ease tension and relax the jaw muscles. To begin, place your tongue exactly below your front teeth on the roof of your mouth. After that, keep your tongue in place while gradually allowing your teeth to separate. Inhale deeply with your nose, then let out breaths gently through your mouth. Repeat this exercise several times, focusing on releasing any tension in your jaw muscles.

Chin Tucks

The muscles that support your jaw may be strengthened with chin tucks, which can also aid with posture. Start with sitting or standing straight and letting your shoulders relax. Gently make a double chin by tucking your chin in nearer your chest. Hold for three to five seconds, then release. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times, gradually increasing the duration of each hold.

Tongue Presses

By promoting better alignment and strengthening the jaw muscles, the tongue presses can help reduce TMJ symptoms. Start by placing the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth. Your tongue should be gently pressed on the roof of your mouth for five seconds. Release and do this exercise 10 to 15 times, concentrating on keeping a controlled and steady motion.

Resistance Training

Strengthening the jaw muscles with resistance training can also help to increase stability and reduce discomfort. Place your thumb under your chin and gently press downward, holding your jaw in place at the same time. Start by opening your lips while your thumb is resisting, then slowly contract it. Repeat this exercise ten to fifteen times, progressively boosting the resistance as your jaw muscles get stronger.

Side-to-Side Jaw Movement

The jaw’s flexibility and mobility are enhanced by this physical activity. Start by sitting or standing straight and keeping your mouth shut. Swing your mouth slowly from side to side as though it were gliding down a hypothetical horizontal line. 15 to 20 repetitions of this exercise should be completed with controlled and smooth motions. Reduce your range of motion and seek medical advice from our dentist in North York if you feel any pain or discomfort.

Neck and Shoulder Stretches

Stretching the muscles in the neck, shoulders, and TMJ can help release tension and lessen TMJ pain. Until you feel a stretch on the left side of your neck, gently tilt your head to the right, bringing your right ear near your right shoulder. After 30 seconds in this posture, switch to the other side and repeat. To further relieve stress in your shoulder muscles, roll and shrug your shoulders.

TMJ disorder can be a source of persistent pain and discomfort, but incorporating these exercises into your daily routine can help alleviate symptoms and promote healing. If you experience severe or worsening symptoms, it is essential to consult with our healthcare professional at Bayview Village Dental for a proper diagnosis and receive TMD treatment near you. By actively engaging in these exercises, you can take control of your TMJ pain and improve your quality of life.

Book your appointment and take a step toward enhancing your overall wellness!


  1. What are some of the causes of TMJ/TMD?

    Some of the causes of TMJ/TMD (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) include:
    Jaw injuries or trauma.

    • Misalignment of the jaw or teeth.
    • Arthritis in the jaw joint.
    • Stress and anxiety, which can lead to jaw muscle tension.
    • Excessive teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism).
    • Poor posture and muscle imbalances.
    • Dental problems, such as a bad bite or missing teeth.
  2. What are the most prevalent symptoms of TMJ?

    The most common symptoms of TMJ dysfunction include headaches, face pain, clicking or popping sounds, trouble chewing or speaking, and pain in the jaw.

  3. Is surgery the only option for this disorder?

    No, there are other treatments for TMJ conditions outside the surgery. In fact, surgery is typically viewed as a last option if conservative measures have failed to offer adequate relief. Usually, non-surgical treatments can be recommended by a dentist near you initially, which may include dietary modifications, jaw exercises, painkillers, oral splints or mouthguards, physical therapy, and stress reduction methods.